Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Meeting of the State Council Commission on Energy

Taking part in the meeting,
including via videoconference, were Presidential Aide, State Council Secretary
Alexei Dyumin Dyumin AlexeiAide to the President , Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak Novak AlexanderDeputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation , Minister of Energy Sergei
Tsivilev Tsivilev SergeiMinister of Energy of the Russian Federation , Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Denis Pushilin Pushilin DenisHead of the Donetsk People’s Republic , Head of the Republic of Khakassia Valentin Konovalov Konovalov ValentinHead of the Republic of Khakassia – Prime Minister of the Republic of Khakassia , Head of the Chuvash Republic Oleg
Nikolayev Nikolayev OlegHead of Chuvashia , Governor of the Trans-Baikal Territory Alexander Osipov Osipov AlexanderGovernor of Trans-Baikal Territory , Governor of the Amur Region Vasily Orlov Orlov VasilyGovernor of the Amur Region , Governor of the Kemerovo Region – Kuzbass Ilya
Seredyuk, Governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Area Vladislav Kuznetsov Kuznetsov VladislavGovernor of the Chukotka Autonomous Area , Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Maxim Shaskolsky Shaskolsky MaximHead of the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service , President of the Russian
Public Relations Association Yevgeny Minchenko, heads of relevant federal and regional executive bodies, as well as representatives of the System Operator of the Unified Energy System, Rosseti, and other organisations concerned.
The meeting participants discussed
ways to increase the reliability and efficiency of the electric grid complex, upgrade
electric power facilities, as well as improve tariff regulation in the electric
power industry.
Alexei Dyumin noted that it was
important to prevent power supply disruptions in the regions. He also touched
on the topic of creating systemically important territorial grid organisations,
which should become single centres responsible for the reliability of electricity transmission to the consumer starting next year.
Alexander Novak stressed that reliable
and high-quality electricity supply to consumers in every region of Russia was a top priority for the state: “In order to do this, upgrade of the infrastructure
is underway, and new modern facilities are under construction. We plan to develop
a programme to improve reliability in the regions and ensure the development of a unified energy system. We will solve the problem of uniting the energy
systems of the East and Siberia and enhancing the connectivity of the energy
systems of Siberia and the Urals. It is
important to pay attention to tariff decisions as well: they must be balanced,”
Alexander Novak said.
Sergei Tsivilev reported on the measures that the Energy Ministry was developing and adopting to ensure
technological sovereignty in the sphere of electricity, reduce the level of wear and tear of core equipment, and systematically update and upgrade electric
power facilities.
Aisen Nikolayev Nikolayev AisenHead of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) highlighted the adoption of balanced decisions on budgetary financing of programmes to improve
the reliability of the regional electric grid complex.
Oleg Nikolayev and Ilya Seredyuk
presented for discussion their proposals on improving legal regulation of the electric power industry and developing regional energy infrastructure, which
require support from federal executive authorities.
The proposals worked out at the meeting will be submitted
to the federal executive authorities for decision-making purposes.
